5 Tips for weight loss help

Rightio - lets get down to the skinny of it : ). If you are like me, you need to lose weight and your not some sort of self control God, I am going to give you 5 tips that will help you into your new body.

1. If you find it hard to get motivated YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST TRY THIS (I found this way, after writing this article, just watch the video to the end. It is so important that I have decided to insert it as it has changed my life for the better, please just take a look thats all I am asking!)

continued:- I use to find it hard to do anything especially after a long day at work so you need to use a little skullduggery here! YOU HAVE TO GET MAD!!! Think about something that makes you really angry:- an injustice, a conversation, a person you cant stand. Imagine being in that situation again.Your starting to feel restless and want to do something, right? Now you have the energy to go do that work out  Take it out in a positive way and do a work out!!

 2. Processed foods = fat BUILDING foods. If you look on the back of a product and it has a thousand different numbers and unpronouncable substances on it. DO NOT eat it. It is that simple. The universal rule is food closest to its natural state is best for you.

3. What type of workout is best. Well here it is sort of horses for courses but if you are up for a new way to burn those calories, try this. Recent scientific studies have shown pushing the body to its max for a very short period of time (less than 20min) has fantastic effects on the body, releasing hormones  that speed up the fat loss process. So if you can't stomach a 45 min walk or jog, try this. Find an oval or running track and stretch warm up etc etc then sprint for 8 seconds and rest for 12 seconds keep going for as long as you can but don't over do it. To begin with take a break when you feel you have to but keep these to a minimum and try to build up to 20min doing this. You don't need to go longer that that. This needs to be done at least twice a week for the effects to be cumulative but 40 min a week is not too bad and definitely doable in my book. Sore knees, hate running? well do the exact same thing in the pool with you preferred swimming stroke.

4. Water, water, water  not sports drinks, or sodapop, not orange juice squeeze from the hands of a nordic virgin, just pure water. Keep yourself hydrated and if you are thirsty that means you are too late giving yourself the water that you need. Thirst is NOT a good indicator of your hydration state. Look at your PEE is it clear or is it green. Closer to clear is better! Having difficulty adjusting to water only? Try an alternative. Start with mineral water - this may take some adjusting as your taste buds adjust from the copius amounts of salt and sugar they have been previously deludged with, but this is an easy diet replacement and will not only help the shape of your body and every organ beneath but will allow you to take back your palate and begin tasting food again. For this to work you need a week to adjust. Make a conscious effort to throw out all temptations before starting and fill you kitchen with sparkling mineral water and cool refreshing water, buy a filter, if your budget can stretch get an osmosis filter as these generally are best at giving you pure water. Try it! Your body will thank you!

5. Studies have shown that green tea taken before exercise and NOT for hydration purposes can give some people an additional 20% increase in fat burning metabolism. Give it a try and see if it helps you out. It does taste rather bitter first time round but you may come to enjoy that taste after a while.

6. Why is there a sixth tip because I want to over deliver!
If you try the workout route and you find your interest and intent waning all is not lost. Join a group team of a physical sport. volleyball, touch football, indoor cricket, hockey and play at least twice a week  you will notice a massive difference between you fitness levels pre and post season and you just might make some friends along the way. Any sport that is vigorous and involves sprinting is ok.

Hope this has been of help in your quest to improve your body. I have also posted 5 crucial steps that will help!